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Madrid-Barajas Airport

Webtrak - Monitoring of acoustic emissions

The webtrack system allows a follow up of the airplane’s flight route, while taking off or landing from/at Madrid Barajas Airport. It provides information about the aircraft (flight number, plane number, plane type and altitude), and associates this data with the corresponding aircraft’s noise emission level, in order to allow the user to check, whether these levels correspond to the legal established margins for the city of Madrid and its vicinities.

One of the system’s features consists in a possible real time follow up of the aircraft’s trajectory or in a database record (retroactively for the last 60 days), to make sure, that scheduled flight routes as well as the established procedures are maintained.
The follow up of the noise emissions is not only tracked in areas, being flown over, but also on land,  especially at night, at the aircraft parking aprons, located in the vicinity of neighboring towns. Measurements are taken with a microphone- and videocamera system, called SCVA (Visual and Acoustic Control System).

The Webtrack system

Among other visual data, the read colour reveals the landings and the green colour the take offs. The airplanes with unknown trajectory are shown in amber.

The Webtrack system will be shown in a new window by clicking on Load Webtrak.

Interactive noise emission map

One of the main features of Webtrack is that of checking the noise levels, caused by different aircrafts. This function is accomplished, thanks to the data provided by the noise monitoring terminals TMR that are set up in the surroundings of the airport.

In an attempt to provide the inhabitants of nearby populations with transparent and reliable information about aeronautical operations and the hereby generated acoustic noise level, AENA has made this information tool publicly available.
If a particularly noisy event has occurred near any place of your interest, the system allows you to make a complaint, in order to investigate about the origin and type of the incident.

Data in Webtrack

The Webtrack application is processing information, coming from the radar data and the flight plans, provided by the Torrejón Air Traffic Service Centres (ACC- Madrid), as well as the noise data coming from the Noise Monitoring Terminals (TMR), located in the neighbouring municipalities, displaying the results on corresponding topographic maps.

This system is totally reliable, even though certain data is delivered with a 30-minute delay for safety reasons. The noise levels can be checked after 24 hours and also dated back to the past 45 days.

You can make a complaint through the same Webtrack application, regarding the noise,  caused by any aircraft operating Madrid Airport. You only have to localize the aircraft in the application and click on the aircraft icon. Select the icon “Complaint record” and fill in the data requested in the complaint form.

If you wish, you can send your questions or comments about this application to AENA. Concerning Madrid area, please contact Aena to
